10/05/24 | Event

SET Plan IWG-Industry 2024 Annual Event: Advancing Sustainable Energy in Industry

5 June 2024 from 13:00 to 18:00, Brussels

Within the SET Plan framework and under the scope of the Belgian Presidency Semester, our partners CIRCE and EEIP will attend the annual event “Advancing Sustainable Energy in Industry”.

Organized by SET_IndEU, this event is a satellite session of INDTech2024.

In this session, we will explore the perspectives and future options of various Energy Intensive Industry sectors concerning the EU’s climate neutrality agenda. This includes discussing the 2040 target, their ambitions to achieve net-zero emissions, and their strategies for electrification and integrating renewable energies into their ecosystems.

The main topic discussed will be the following:

  • The process industry’s main challenges
  • The ongoing activities at EU level: EU-funded projects
  • Critical issues to advancing the sustainable development of EU’s energy-intensive industry towards by 2030 and 2050

This event is a Sustainable Energy Day within the framework of the European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW).

For more information visit Indetch 2024 

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